Friday, February 25, 2011

Lots of Beer Brewin'

We may still be fighting with our livers a little bit, but with SF Beer Week behind us, the brewers are back in full swing at Drake's.

Just a little recap on the previous week in the brewery:

  • We brewed, filtered, and packaged a lot of beer!

  • There are new batches of IPA, Hopocalypse and Red Eye fermenting away in our tanks, just to name a few

  • We're finishing off the week with some Denogginizer, which is boiling away in the kettle as I type this

  • Something new and exciting also happened this week-- we completed the first ever bottling run of our alpha monster Hopocalypse! It's a beer we're very proud of, and apparently you love it too since we won a bronze medal with Hopocalypse at The Bistro's Double IPA Festival, in addition to being voted The Best In the Bay at Barclay's Battle of the Bay last week. Very cool!

  • * Fresh bombers of Hopocalypse are hitting the shelves soon, so look out for it.

    Anyway, that's all for now from the production floor at Drake's. Next week is First Friday, so I hope to see some of you there. Until then....
