Friday, November 12, 2010

Thank the Beer gods it's Friday!

Hello fellow beer-lovers!

I want to fill you in on some
Drake's happenings.

We had several Jolly Rodger release parties this week at beer bars throughout the East Bay. In addition to two draft release parties on Monday and Tuesday, beer revolutionaries gathered together for the release of Jolly in bombers at a beer bar near Jack London Square. I took some video footage of our Sale Manager, Dow Tunis, giving a little speech.

Drake's Brewing Co. Jolly Rodger 2010 Bottle Release Party

The Bistro in Hayward is hosting their 5th Annual West Coast Barrel Aged Beer Fest this Saturday, November 13. We'll be pouring several Drake's barrel aged beers (see below). Hope to see you there.

Here's the line-up for the Barrel festival:

Brett Butler- Aged 10 months. 9% ABV. A Belgian Triple aged in a Pinot Noir barrel and briefly exposed to the San Leandro atmosphere. An excellent lead-off hit when going into sour left field. It was the year of the pitcher this last year, but this beer still hits with a budding tartness that balances the body.

Wyld Stallyns- Aged two and a half years. 7.9% ABV. This black beauty watches over two great ones, Josh Theodore Logan and Brian S. Preston, Esquire, who super-soured some excellent Imperial Stout and ESB beers and blended them together.

Volte-Face- Aged one and a half years. 5.5% ABV. A Sour Belgian Blonde & Sour Amber do the flip-flop of sour tastes. Belgian imparts the "trebly & high-end" character, and the Amber comes in with an early sourness.Diplomatically revolutionary to each other.

The Creator has a Master Tape- Aged one year. 6.0% ABV. Two-beers in one single-barrel blend of American Red and Porter cellared in a Port Barrel.

Kadath Decoded- Aged three years. 10% ABV. In this dream sequence, a wine barrel mixture of eighty percent Imperial Stout aged in French Oak Pinot Noir and Merlot barrels is blended with twenty percent Barleywine aged in a French Oak Grenache barrel.

Our taproom is open from 1-7pm today. Bring yourself, your friends, and even a snack if you so desire.

Cheers, til next time!


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